عيادة جراحة المخ والأعصاب

ا. د. أحمد محمود الشريف

Digital marketing saves smiles

Digital marketing saves smiles

Noha is a ten-year-old girl living with her mother, father, and younger sister.

Her mother Maha is her best friend. She listens to her thoughts and dreams, plays with her, cooks her food, washes her clothes, and inspires her to achieve her goals.

One day Noha’s mother left some pain in her breast. She visited her doctor who advised her to do many investigations. Unfortunately, these investigations were really expensive to the extent that she could not afford them.



Her neighbor told her to visit BAHEYA foundation that offers free detection and treatment of breast cancer. These services are funded through donations. BAHEYA foundation runs a really creative marketing campaign.

How does a creative campaign work?

The foundation collaborates with many influencers including actors, actresses, singers, Olympics hero’s, and authors. Also, the campaign spots light on cured women who were diagnosed, had their operations done, took radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions at BAHEYA. Further, the campaign considers emotions “Mum, I need you with me.”

Furthermore, the campaign makes a great effort for health awareness against breast cancer. Moreover, the campaign uses hashtags. And, it posts on different social media channels.

They helped Maha

Maha visited BAHEYA foundation where she had free investigations. Unluckily, the investigations revealed that she has a malignant tumor that must be excised.

The surgeons operated on her and excised the tumor. Then, she had chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions. She got cured and went back home to her family in good health. It was a great blessing that Noha didn’t lose her mother.

Many thanks to BAHEYA’s creative campaign for being able to collect enough donations to cure Maha, and many Egyptian mothers. Creative digital marketing campaigns save not only the lives, but also the smiles of many persons like Noha, her father, and her little sister. Could you save smiles, too? Sure!!

Contact us to launch your digital marketing campaign, to reach more people, treat their teeth, and save their smiles Send a message now, we will call you back. Email: bmg@elsherifneuro.com

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